February Kingston SEND Parent Carer Consortium

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February Kingston SEND Parent Carer Consortium

12th February @ 12:00 pm 1:30 pm

An opportunity for individual parents/carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and members of the Kingston SEND Parent Carer Forum to discuss important topics with members of senior staff, who are responsible for providing SEND children’s services for Kingston Council. Parents can directly ask questions and give feedback to the professionals responsible for services, such as education and social care, provided by Achieving for Children and other key stakeholders from health, such as the Integrated Care Board (ICB).

The purpose of the Consortium is to help guide and support our communication and consultation with parents and carers, and to help the Council, Achieving for Children and partners understand the needs of the wider SEND community.

This is a virtual event

Any parent/carer can attend the consortium meetings. You can request an invitation by emailing sendlocaloffer@achievingforchildren.org.uk

Alternatively, if you have a question but cannot attend, you can contact the Kingston SEND Parent Carer Forum by email help@kingstonpcf.org.uk


12th February
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Event Category: